Class Struggle

eBook - A Political and Philosophical History, Marx, Engels, and Marxisms

Erschienen am 06.10.2016, Auflage: 1/2016
37,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781349706600
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 2.98 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Available for the first time in English, this book examines and reinterprets class struggle within Marx and Engels thought. As Losurdo argues, class struggle is often misunderstood as exclusively the struggle of the poor against the rich, of the humble against the powerful. It is an interpretation that is dear to populism, one that supposes a binary logic that closes its eyes to complexity and inclines towards the celebration of poverty as a place of moral excellence. This book, however, shows the theory of class struggle is a general theory of social conflict. Each time, the most adverse social conflicts are intertwined in different ways. A historical situation always emerges with specific and unique characteristics that necessitate serious examination, free of schematic and biased analysis. Only if it breaks away from populism can Marxism develop the ability to interpret and change the world.


Domenico Losurdo is Emeritus Professor in the University of Urbino, Italy. He is an Italian philosopher and political theorist, focusing specifically on Marxist thought. He publishes in a variety of languages, including English, French, Italian, and German. His work been discussed by publications such asFinancial Times,Guardian,Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,Die Zeit,Le Monde,Le Monde Diplomatique,Libération, andCorriere della Sera.



Introduction: The Return of Class Struggle? .- 1. The Different Forms of Class Struggle .- 2. A Protracted, Positive-Sum Struggle .- 3. Class Struggles and Struggles for Recognition .- 4. Overcoming Binary Logic: A Difficult, Unfinished Process .- 5. The Multiplicity of Struggles for Recognition and the Conflict of Liberties .- 6. The Switch to the South-East: The National Question and Class Struggle .- 7. Lenin in 1919: The Class Struggle is Continuing: It has Merely Changed its Forms .- 8. After the Revolution: The Ambiguities of Class Struggle .- 9. After the Revolution: Discovering the Limits of Class Struggle .- 10. Class Struggle at the End of History .- 11. Class Struggle between Exorcism and Fragmentation .- 12. Class Struggle Poised between Marxism and Populism.

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